
Monday, May 17, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup

One of my favorite homemade soup recipes has got to be chicken noodle soup. It's awesome on a cold or rainy day, when you are sick, or just when you want something hot and yummy.

Here's the recipe:

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Onion, diced
2 Carrots (or a couple cups of baby carrots), diced
6 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
1 lb chicken, diced
8 oz egg noodles
Parsley and dill

Saute onions in olive oil for 4 minutes.
Add carrots, pepper, chicken broth, and water and bring to a boil.
Add chicken and bring to a boil.
Add egg noodles and boil 8 minutes.
Bring down to low and add parsley and dill.
Enjoy! :)

I pray that my kids will remember this yummy soup when they get older and remember mommy making it for them when they were sick, cold, or just because. I hope your family enjoys it as well.

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