
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prepping Ahead for Dinner

Let me preface by saying that I don't do this everyday, but when I can, I go ahead and lay out the stuff that I can during the day for that night's dinner. Now that I have a baby to feed every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hours, I am usually pretty busy right before I cook dinner, so I do this to save myself the time of getting everything out so I just have to focus on making dinner really quick.

Today I laid out:
Dinner plates, napkins, and silverware (Luke sets the table which helps me out)
A pan lined with foil to bake the pork chops in
The honey baked pork chops (thawing out in the white bowl)
My pampered chef microwave cooker (I LOVE THAT THING!) and can opener for the canned peas & corn
A measuring cup for the water as well as a pot for the wild rice

PS I am really looking forward to dinner tonight. I love this recipe.

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