I think it is really important to teach our children to write thank you notes. This year since Luke can write, I decided to have him help me. I pulled out some handwriting sheets and had him put the person's (or in this case persons') name(s) at the top and sign his name at the bottom. Then I filled in the message. As he gets older, he will be writing the notes all by himself.
The ironic thing is that our weekly Bible verse is "be thankful" (Colossians 3:15). It was nice to have a tangible way to teach him what thankfulness is and how to show it.
Here is one of the thank you notes we wrote:
i commend you for having Luke write thank you notes. I am a big fan of them-writing them for gifts big and small-formal or random-but I think it fall under the category of manners, that sadly with people being so busy it often gets forgotten. Thumbs up to you, Ashley!